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Project Loading and Unloading

  1. All move-in/move-out must be through the Commerce Street loading dock area.
  2. Loading docks, freight doors and freight elevators are on the Commerce Street side of the convention center. Parking is not permitted on the Commerce Street loading docks for any reason. This area is designated for load-in/load-out only. Unattended vehicles are subject to being ticketed by Fort Worth Police Department and towing at owner expense.
  3. No parking in designated fire zones/lanes at any time, including load-in/load-out. Violators are subject to being ticketed by Fort Worth Police Department and towing at owner expense.
  4. Load-in/load-out is on a first come/first serve basis, one school at a time.
  5. Designated Texas TSA and/or convention center personnel are in charge of the convention center loading dock area. Do not enter or attempt to unload until instructed by these designated personnel.
  6. No unattended vehicles in the loading dock area at any time.
  7. Load-Out: Exhibit Hall doors will not be opened until after the last general session. Be courteous at all times. Vehicle will not be allowed at the loading docks until the load-out period. Do not enter the Commerce Street loading dock area until instructed to do so by the convention center or Texas TSA personnel. Again, no unattended vehicles in the loading dock area at any time. Properly identified participants will enter the hall from designated areas. Students will have to carry projects (or use dollies) to their vehicles.
  8. All projects must have a claim check/ticket before they can be removed. (Or a properly identified chapter instructor can have his/her projects released).
  9. Projects can be wrapped and/or prepared for shipment inside or outside of the Exhibit Hall, but not in the Loading Dock Area.
  10. Extremely large trailer projects will be stored or exhibited at the Bus Parking Area.

The Texas TSA Board of Directors & Fort Worth Convention Center have established the policy to tow a vehicle.