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Fort Worth Convention Center Safety Regulations

The safety of our members and our advisors is very important. The following safety regulations are strictly enforced at the Fort Worth Convention Center for the safety of all Texas TSA event participants and should be followed at all times.

  1. The Fort Worth Convention Center is a nonsmoking facility. This includes prohibition of any tobacco product and/or vaping, vaping equipment or paraphernalia.
  2. All fire exits, fire extinguishers, and exit or emergency signs must remain unobstructed or unblocked at all times.
  3. No extension cords may extend across aisles or along a pathway without proper protective equipment provided by the Fort Worth Convention Center. There is a charge for such protective equipment that must be paid in advance.
  4. The following items are not permitted inside of the Fort Worth Convention Center:
  5. LPG cylinders of any size (propane, butane, or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG))
  6. Flammable liquids/fuels (gasoline, diesel, lighter fluid, ether, etc.).
  7. Camping stoves or fuel
  8. BBQ grills (being used for cooking on-site)
  9. Helium filled balloons
  10. Any source of open flame or spark (candles, welding torch, arc welding, grinding, abrasive cutting, etc.
  11. No hazardous chemicals (non-flammable)
  12. Vehicles - the following are requirements for displaying vehicles and fuel-powered (non-electric) engines:
  13. No more than one-fourth (1/4) tank of fuel (5 gallons maximum)
  14. Fuel tank cap must either be locked or sealed with liquid proof tape.
  15. Battery cables must be disconnected from the engine. Battery removed unless used to power some aspect of the display.
  16. Floor pan to catch any drips of fuel or oil.
  17. Keys to all vehicles must remain on-site so that the vehicle can be moved in the case of emergency.
  18. No Glitter, Confetti, or Birdseed - an additional charge for carpet cleaning will be charged.
  19. The use of High-Residue Tape (e.g. Duct/Duck Tape) is prohibited in the Fort Worth Convention Center. Low-Residue Tape (e.g. Painters Tape, Gaffers Tape) is allowed.
  20. Holes may not be drilled into any surface at the Fort Worth Convention Center.
  21. Staples, tacks, and/or nails may not be used to attach or hang anything to any surface of the Fort Worth Convention Center.
  22. All painting is prohibited on the Fort Worth Convention Center premises. This includes sidewalks and loading areas as well as anywhere inside of the Fort Worth Convention Center.
  23. Signs, banners, decals, and stickers are prohibited unless approved in advance by Fort Worth Convention Center.
  24. There is no guarantee of access to electricity, electrical outlets/service or Internet (Ethernet/WiFi).
  25. Abandoned Property - Anything left at the Fort Worth Convention Center after the Contest Check-Out will be thrown away. This will commence 1 hour after the end of the last General Session.
  26. No cutting and/or grinding on any project, Unique to Texas, National Qualifying Events, or VEX Robot may be done inside the Fort Worth Convention Center.
  27. No "camping out" in the hallways. Chapters and students may not block hallways or any access/aisle in any area. If waiting in an area, please stay within 5 feet of a wall provided it does not block any pathways.
  28. Please be advised that there is no guarantee of access to electricity or internet access within the Fort Worth Convention Center.
  29. Operating drones, RC cars or Trebuchets/Catapults in any area other than the designated competition area without permission from the event coordinators will result in disqualification.

Important: Do not unplug anything that does not belong to you to gain access to an electrical outlet!